A downloadable game for Android

The Ritmons are magical and musical creatures that inhabit the forests of South America. They are inspired by musical instruments of Latin and Afro-Latin origin, incorporating the characteristics of these instruments. These little critters are attracted to melodies and will follow you everywhere after you demonstrate that you can keep up with their rhythm!

I wanted to incorporate some RPG mechanics into a rhythm game, and I believe I had some success, but I couldn't dedicate enough time to fully develop these mechanics.
I also intended to include a DEX/wiki within the game to explain the lore of each Ritmon and introduce variations/evolutions. While I did create some variations, I was only able to include the three main ones in the game due to time constraints.

So here is the current Ritdex:

 Based on Bombo Legüero, a cute little fellow with a friendly smile! :>

Maria maraca
Based on Maraca, a small, energetic girl.
People say you can see the air tremble with her energy!

Based on Kalimba, A grumpy old man, nobody knows where he lost his other eye,
 but he doesn't seem to mind

Guarábeat (Boss)

Based on Lobo guará (typical animal of the Brazilian cerrado AKA maned wolf)
a defender of the woods. It's lured by disturbances in the forest, locates itself through the sounds it creates, and relentlessly pursues intruders. They say its sound is like a Surround 7.1, but no one has ever managed to capture it or take a photo.

I also had the idea to create three other Ritmons based on the cuica, berimbau, and pandeiro (Brazilian instruments), but I had to abandon the idea so I could focus on polishing the game I already had. Additionally, there was supposed to be a boss based on a capybara, but we didn't find the time to finish its music so we ended up only with guarábeat.

For the challenges, we chose "Oye Mi Canto" because all the audio is 100% original, created by my friend and teammate, Marcos and based on bossa nova, MPB, and other Latin genres, and "Zoology" since we added our beloved maned wolf to the game :D

It was super fun to work on this game jam. I delved into a genre that I had never explored before, and I believe I've created a strong foundation for expansion in case of a win!


Ritmon.apk 71 MB


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Slk irmão, ficou mto bom, único ponto que posso apontar é na questão do game design, onde as músicas são mto parecidas na questão de BPM e ritmo, de resto só me incomodou um pouco o overworld do jogo, onde os inimigos vão até vc e não o contrário como no pokémon, outra coisa que é bem opcional mais eu acho que ajuda no feeling é que creio que grande parte dos jogadores são destros e o lugar da tela que se tem q tocar fica bem na extremidade nas batalhas de ritmo, então tentar ou deixar a batalha de ritmo na vertical ou ter a opção de inverter ela ajudaria bastante.